Tough Leaf Partner Spotlight: Heartland, Bringing New Potential to Payroll


BY: Casey Friedricks — Territory Manager, Heartland | 29th November 2023

For the last year, Heartland has had the privileged opportunity to partner with Tough Leaf and support its members with Payroll + HR. Tough Leaf chose to partner with Heartland because we believe that when you trust a company with your payroll, one of your largest business expenses, you are more than just a transaction. Tough Leaf chooses partners that understand the needs of the diverse firms in the Tough Leaf community and can provide genuine support that really makes a difference for these small businesses. There have been numerous times where Tough Leaf clients have come to Heartland with problems and we have gone above and beyond the payroll call of duty to streamline their payroll needs. With a full Human Capital Management solution, Heartland has helped countless business owners grow and flourish their operations. We wanted to take the time to showcase a few KEY examples of long-term solutions Heartland has provided Tough Leaf members for issues they have encountered at one of our competitors.

A Staffing Agency Goes from Being “Just a Number” to Enjoying Unparalleled Personal Service.

This particular client was a staffing company. Their concern with their former payroll provider was that whenever there was an issue, they would have to spend hours on the phone with a customer service representative who was unfamiliar with their business. They felt more like a number than a person.

Solution: Find a partner whose definition of success is directly connected with your satisfaction as a customer. 

With other payroll providers, customer service handoffs mean starting from scratch with new reps whenever a need arises. Their commissioned sales model misaligns incentives once the initial purchase occurs.

Heartland Payroll's customer-focused model ensures ongoing, VIP-level service. Your dedicated sales rep handles all aspects of your account - including any troubleshooting - thanks to our unique compensation structure that financially motivates our representatives to retain satisfied clients over the long term. This means you get personalized attention from someone who knows your business inside and out. Your success is our success. No outsourcing issues to disconnected team members you need to re-explain things to. No being treated like one of the masses.

The staffing agency now enjoys the tailored experience they deserve, backed by a partner invested in a smooth, headache-free partnership built on understanding their unique needs.

A Construction Company Needs to Quickly Accommodate the Requirements of a New Government Client.

This story is one of my favorites! A construction company based in NYC was having staffing issues. Because of its growth, it was awarded some government jobs that required them to comply with job costing, prevailing wages, and certified payrolls. Due to the complex nature of this growing payroll, their accountant could not support their back-office needs. 

Solution: Find a partner that understands the unique requirements of the construction industry.

Heartland specializes in work with construction companies - another reason why Tough Leaf chose to partner with us. 

Heartland took over the client’s payroll to provide them with the required federal and state reports for prevailing wage and certified payrolls. We also assisted the client with drafting and processing their weekly certified payroll. In addition, Heartland helped them streamline their cash flow by processing their workers’ compensation premiums through our Pay-As-You-Go solution. This significantly reduced their workers’ compensation audit risk exposure.  

An MBE Business Unlocks the Value Hidden in its Payroll.

I call this story “Turning Your Payroll Into a Profit Center.” There was another construction company that was growing like a weed. This client was hiring people left, right, and center. Due to being a Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) business owner, they were hiring a ton of diverse people, including ex-felons and folks who lived in a low-income area. They had no idea they were missing out on over $50k a year through the Work Opportunity Tax Credit program.

Solution: Find a partner that can identify opportunities that aren’t on your radar.

The Work Opportunity Tax Credit is for any employer who hires employees within government-specified groups who face barriers to employment. Employers can qualify for a tax credit worth $2400 - $9600 per employee, depending on the qualifying barrier, which includes veterans, ex-felons, SSI or SNAP recipients, and more. This particular client was hiring about 15-30 people per job and had no idea the amount of money that they were about to receive because of this tax credit. This credit helped increase cash flow and improved liquidity for the business. Most businesses hire the above candidates regardless of knowing about WOTC or not. Heartland was able to take this growing business and turn the client’s payroll into a profit center. Most W/MBE businesses tend to hire diverse people, and typically we find that 1-3 people will qualify for WOTC in service-based businesses. In addition, many of our competitors in the WOTC space charge a percentage of the tax credit. Heartland charges a modest flat rate, which allows the business owner to retain more profit.

Heartland is a trusted Tough Leaf capacity-building partner. Contact Casey Friedricks here, or call him at 914.500.9036 to learn more about the ways they can help you make the most out of your company payroll.