Navigating the Digital Horizon: Why Small Construction Firms Must Embrace Tech for Success


BY: Tough Leaf | 11th January 2024

In the ever-evolving landscape of the construction industry, small firms find themselves at a crossroads – either embrace technology and how it is reshaping the way construction companies plan, design, build, and manage projects, or risk falling behind. 

Digital transformation, or the adoption of a digital-first mindset, is not merely a trend but an absolute necessity. Companies that willingly embrace this evolution gain a competitive edge, while those who ignore it face becoming obsolete. The future of construction undeniably lies in the digital realm, and those who proactively adopt technology - along with the data that comes with it - will play a leading role in shaping this future. Nick Tilford, Sr Trainer at agrees, “Small businesses are in the rare position to take the reins and own how they adopt and adapt to technology in the construction industry.”

But how do you get there? Small subcontractors rarely receive formal training on platforms and software crucial for modern contracting. The lack of digital and data literacy poses a significant challenge in an industry still entangled in email threads, texts, and voice memos, yet larger companies view this knowledge as table stakes for being considered for jobs, rendering those without tech skills seemingly unqualified.

“Technology is your ally, giving you equal footing on the job site.” - Nick Tilford,

The digital lag becomes particularly evident when small firms collaborate with sophisticated general contractors utilizing advanced solutions for collaboration and information sharing. Think about a specialty steel contractor winning a major project, but faltering in leveraging the documentation and design decision dialogues that come second nature to the prime. Instead of utilizing the available digital resources, the sub bombards the general contractor with redundant questions, adversely affecting project efficiency. 

The transition from traditional paper and spreadsheets to digital platforms is intimidating but inevitable. In light of these challenges, Tough Leaf is on a mission to break down barriers for small, diverse contractors, ensuring they not only access opportunities but also acquire the digital skills necessary for seamless collaboration with tech-focused partners. That’s why we’ve partnered with to provide members of the Tough Leaf community with educational resources to help.

Subcontractors Must Adopt a Digital-First Mindset

Embracing technology is not just an option; it's a necessity for small construction firms aiming not only to survive but thrive. According to Nick, “Regardless of the technology you adopt, training and continuing education should always be on your mind.” Digital transformation is a journey about reshaping fundamental business processes and collecting data in a way that fosters transparency and facilitates informed decision-making. As the construction industry continues its digital evolution, those who lead the charge will undoubtedly secure a brighter, more efficient future for their businesses.

Let’s make it easy to take the first step.

Come join the discussion about how tech is changing the construction industry and the ways WMBE firms can adapt and thrive. Join Nick on Tuesday, January 23, 2024, at 12pm ET for the first webinar of the year:  Future-Proof Your Business: Thriving in Construction’s Digital Revolution. If you’ve been wondering how to modernize your workflow and move away from paper and spreadsheets once and for all, then this is the session for you. We’ll even have a live Q&A to help you dig deeper.